Gas infrastructure for security of supply


Infrastructure plays a vital role in the Gas System as it enables the distribution of energy supply to businesses, industry and households across the country. Its contribution to security of supply is therefore paramount, for both natural gas and renewable gases.

Thanks to an integrated and interconnected network of natural gas infrastructures, with more than 11,000 kilometres of gas pipelines, 3 underground storage facilities and 6 LNG terminals in Spain (together with 3 other terminals in which Enagás has stakes in other countries), Enagás is able to make a significant contribution to security of supply, with a particular focus on Europe.

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Provisional HTNO

According to Royal Decree-Law 8/2023 of 27 December, Enagás, as the natural gas transmission system operator, is also the interim operator of the hydrogen infrastructure in Spain.


The future hydrogen network

The future hydrogen network

Learn more about Spain’s potential to become the first renewable hydrogen hub in Europe and Enagás’ contribution through the promotion of projects and initiatives such as the first axes of the hydrogen network in Spain and H2med.

Transporting renewable gases through the Gas System

Our current infrastructures are prepared for biomethane, which can be transported through the existing network due to its composition, which is similar to that of natural gas. In this regard, our Green Link service facilitates this process by allowing the different agents of the Gas System with biomethane production facilities to request their connection to the Enagás transmission network.

The launch of the Guarantee of Origin System for renewable gases in January 2023, with Enagás GTS as the responsible entity, has also favoured the transparency of the process, certifying that the origin of these gases is renewable.


Maintenance plan




Procedures and protocols