
Enagás pays an interim dividend at the end of the year and a final dividend once the dividend for the year is approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting, at the proposal of the Board of Directors. 


2023 dividend

The Board of Directors of Enagás, S.A. resolved to distribute a complementary dividend against 2023 results as follows: 

July 4
Payment date

1.044 euros
Gross dividend per share

July 3
Record date

July 2
Ex date

The payment of this dividend is made to all shares entitled to dividend on July 4, 2024, in accordance with the operating regulations of Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A. Unipersonal (IBERCLEAR), with Banco Santander acting as payment agent, and the relevant withholding will be applied at the time of payment.


Dividends archive



A maximum of ten exercises can be marked

In this table you can check the date and amount of the dividends distributed by Enagás in recent years:

Payment dateGross Payment (€/share)Net Payment (€/share)TypeForEx dividend date
04/07/20241.0440.84564ComplementaryFiscal year 202302/07/2024
22/12/20230.6960.56376InterimFiscal year 202320/12/2023
06/07/20231.0320.83592ComplementaryFiscal year 202204/07/2023
21/12/20220.6880.55728InterimFiscal year 202219/12/2022
07/07/20221.020.8262ComplementaryFiscal year 202105/07/2022
21/12/20210,680,5508InterimFiscal year 202117/12/2021
08/07/20211,0080,81648ComplementaryFiscal year 202006/07/2021
23/12/20200,6720,54432InterimFiscal year 202021/12/2020
09/07/20200,9600,7776ComplementaryFiscal year 201907/07/2020
23/12/20190,6400,51840InterimFiscal year 201919/12/2019
03/07/20190,9180,74358ComplementaryFiscal year 201801/07/2019
19/12/20180,6120,496 InterimFiscal year 201817/12/2018
05/07/20180,8760,709ComplementaryFiscal year 201703/07/2018
21/12/20170,5840,473InterimFiscal year 201719/12/2017
05/07/20170,8340,6755ComplementaryFiscal year 201603/07/2017
22/12/20160,5560,4503InterimFiscal year 201620/12/2016
05/07/20160,7920,642ComplementaryFiscal year 201530/06/2016
17/12/20150,5280,425InterimFiscal year 2015 
02/07/20150,780,61ComplementaryFiscal year 2014 
19/12/20140,5200,410InterimFiscal year 2014 
03/07/20140,7630,603ComplementaryFiscal year 2013 
19/12/20130,5030,397InterimFiscal year 2013 
03/07/20130,6850,541ComplementaryFiscal year 2012 
20/12/20120,4280,338InterimFiscal year 2012 
05/07/20120,6120,483ComplementaryFiscal year 2011 
21/12/20110,3810,31242InterimFiscal year 2011 
05/07/20110,5260,426ComplementaryFiscal year 2010 
21/12/20100,3120,25272InterimFiscal year 2010 
05/07/20100,4660,377ComplementaryFiscal year 2009 
22/12/20090,2830,232InterimFiscal year 2009 
02/07/20090,3910,321ComplementaryFiscal year 2008 
12/01/20090,260,2132InterimFiscal year 2008 
03/07/20080,3580,294ComplementaryFiscal year 2007 
10/01/20080,240,1968InterimFiscal year 2007 
05/07/20070,2810,231ComplementaryFiscal year 2006 
11/01/20070,190,1558InterimFiscal year 2006 
06/07/20060,2400,204ComplementaryFiscal year 2005 
12/01/20060,160,136InterimFiscal year 2005 
04/07/20050,2010,171ComplementaryFiscal year 2004 
12/01/20050,130,1105InterimFiscal year 2004 
07/07/20040,1770,150ComplementaryFiscal year 2003 
08/01/20040,120,102InterimFiscal year 2003 
03/07/20030,140,119ComplementaryFiscal year 2002 
17/01/20030,090,077InterimFiscal year 2002