Infrastructures ready for the energy transition


Infrastructure plays a vital role in the System as it enables the distribution of energy supply to businesses, industries, and households across the entire country. Its contribution to security of supply is key: today with natural gas and in the future with renewable gases such as green hydrogen. Enagás is promoting various initiatives and projects to adapt our assets and to develop new infrastructure to meet the present and future challenges of the energy transition.

With the REPowerEU Plan, Europe acknowledges the value of current gas infrastructures as the foundation for the future European hydrogen backbone. The plan also envisions the establishment of hydrogen corridors to link producer countries with centres of demand.


H2med will be the EU's first renewable hydrogen corridor


On this basis, the company is working together with the Transmission System Operators in Portugal, France and Germany on the development of H2med, the first EU renewable hydrogen corridor. The first axes of the Spanish hydrogen infrastructure, as well as a proposal to analyse the feasibility of two underground hydrogen storage facilities, were submitted to the call for Projects of Common Interest (PCI) in December 2022. In April 2024, the European Commission announced the inclusion of these projects in the definitive EU’s list of PCIs.

H2med and the Spanish hydrogen infrastructure will serve as the building blocks for establishing Spain as the first hub for renewable hydrogen in Europe.



In order to identify the needs of potential hydrogen consumers in Spain, as well as the potential use of this infrastructure, Enagás carried out a Call for Interest during the last quarter of 2023, the results of which were presented in its 2nd Hydrogen Day, held in January 2024.


Provisional HTNO

In addition, Royal Decree-Law 8/2023 of 27 December 2023 provides that Enagás, as the natural gas Transmission System Operator, may operate as the provisional manager of the hydrogen backbone in Spain. In this regard, the company has developed a proposal for the Spanish hydrogen backbone infrastructure, with a ten-year horizon, presented to the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge at the end of April 2024.


The future hydrogen network

The future hydrogen network

Learn more about Spain's potential to become the first renewable hydrogen hub in Europe and Enagás’ contribution through the promotion of projects and initiatives such as H2med.

Call For Interest

Call For Interest

Become familiar with the main results of this consultation, which is key to the future development of the first hydrogen infrastructure hubs in Spain.



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More information about our infrastructure


Maintenance plan




Procedures and protocols