Tariffs and simulators

The CNMC sets by Resolution the tariffs applicable to transmission networks, local networks and regasification following the methodology defined in Circular 6/2020.

Transmission tariffs apply to all entry and exit points of the trunk network. They consist of a fixed capacity component specific to each point and flow direction and a variable component depending on the energy transported.

Interruptible tariffs are only established for the VIP PIRINEOS point in the incoming direction. For departures from this point and for VIP IBÉRICO in both flow directions, the contracting of interruptible capacity is subject to the same tariffs as firm capacity, with ex-post compensation being considered in the event of interruptibility execution.

Local network tariffs apply to all exit points of national demand, both for points connected to the transmission network and to the distribution network. Local network tariffs differentiate between 11 toll groups based on annual consumption, and consist of three components: a fixed component for contracted capacity, a variable component for volume and a component called demanded capacity, which takes into account the maximum capacity demanded, the contracted capacity at the supply point and the duration of the contracted services. The first two components are specific to each of the toll groups.

The CNMC has temporarily established a distinction in local network tariffs based on supply pressure for some of the groups. The reference value for the pressure distinction is 4 bar and covers groups with consumption between 300 MWh/year and 15 GWh/year. Furthermore, the CNMC makes an additional distinction in local network tariffs for outgoing points supplied by satellite plant.

In addition to the aforementioned tariffs, a new toll associated with the recovery of other regasification costs has been defined and will be invoiced by the operators of the infrastructure from which gas is supplied to the end consumer. This toll consists of:

  • A variable component applicable to tanker loads intended for destinations other than a satellite distribution plant.
  • A fixed component applicable to supplies that are not required to have metering equipment that allows daily recording of the flow demanded.
  • A fixed component differentiated by the size applicable to supply points with the obligation to have remote metering and, if applicable, to all supply points that are required to have metering equipment that allows the daily recording of the maximum flow demanded.

In all tariffs applicable to national exit points, including transmission and local networks and tariffs for the recovery of other regasification costs, specific tariffs are established for supply points that are not obliged to have remote metering, in which case the fixed component is not based on capacity, but is an annual fixed component per customer.

Tariffs for access to regasification facilities are common for all plants and specific for each of the services provided. The structure of plant access tariffs is adapted to the nature of each of the services offered and generally consists of a fixed component for contracted capacity and a variable component for volume.


Fees for underground storage facilities

The fees for use of basic underground storage facilities are defined by Ministerial Order following the methodology established in Royal Decree 1184/2020.

The charges distinguish between storage, injection and extraction, and consist only of a fixed capacity component applicable to products with an annual duration.

For all services contracted for products of a different duration, the fixed component of the toll or charge is calculated by applying multipliers to the fixed capacity component of the product of the relevant annual duration.

Users who have contracted interruptible daily injection/extraction capacity will receive monthly compensation for the interruptions carried out during the month.

The multipliers have already been applied to the fixed capacity component shown for products with a duration of less than one year in the tables below.



Check the contracting guarantee and imbalance simulators.

Current gas year: October 2024 – September 2025

Both the information contained in the simulator and the possible results are for guidance purposes only and are not legally binding.