Enagás highlights the interest of the Spanish industry in capturing 10.4 million tonnes of CO2

Events Infrastructure
26 April 2024
  • At the elEconomista CO2 forum, Fernando Impuesto, Business Development and Diversification General Manager, stressed the importance of these activities to decarbonise difficult to abate sectors within the framework of the PNIEC

Fernando Impuesto, Enagás Business Development and Diversification General Manager, underlined Spanish industry’s interest in the deployment of infrastructures that capture, store and transport CO2 under the PNIEC framework. This was detected by the call for interest launched by the company: “We have received around 53 expressions of interest from different companies, for a total of 10.4 million tonnes of CO2 to conduct this capture before 2030,” he said during his speech at the “Strategy for Carbon and CO2 Capture” conference organised by elEconomista in Madrid on April 24. 


He also explained that the industries most interested in these technologies are those that do not have alternatives for decarbonisation, such as construction, for example. Fernando Impuesto highlighted the results of the call for interest, recalling that Europe’s CO2 capture targets for 2030 amount to 50 million tonnes. “The European Commission has identified CO2 logistics chains as economically viable from 2040 onwards, setting out a roadmap to follow,” he said.

At Enagás we are analysing our position in this activity might be, taking advantage of our experience in gas transmission and the synergies in the Spanish infrastructure network”, he stressed, at a table with Iberdrola’s Head of Environment, Emilio Tejedor; Holcim’s Director of Sustainability, Mariano García; the Managing Director of Tubacex’s Low Carbon Business Unit, Miguel Gómez; the Director of Institutional Relations Spain and Regulatory Coordination at Repsol, Ester Moya; the Head of CO2 Management at Técnicas Reunidas, Miguel Ángel Hernando; and the Deputy Director of elEconomista, Rubén Esteller, who acted as moderator.

Fernando Impuesto stressed the need to promote cooperation with industry and public administrations. “We want to develop hubs that bring together, within Spanish geographical areas, emitters that can share their infrastructure in terms of transmission, storage and operation. This will reduce the total cost of logistics and maximise utilisation,” he stated.


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