Natural capital and biodiversity management

Another key aspect for Enagás in the environmental dimension is the management of natural capital and biodiversity. In this area, we analyse the dependencies and impact of our activity on natural capital, in line with Natural Capital Coalition’s Natural Capital Protocol, in order to identify actions to minimise our environmental impact. 

Below you can see the environmental impacts identified by the company, according to their significance and origin, and the main actions we carry out to prevent and reduce them.


 Environmental aspectsImpactsOrigin of impactsMain preventative actions and
impact mitigation
Most relevance
Gas emissions
  • CO2 emisions 
  • CH4 emisions
  • NOx, HCFCs, CO, SOx emissions

Reduction or deterioration of the quality of the atmospheric environment

Energy consumption for the operation, construction and
maintenance of infrastructures (transmission, storage,

  • Energy efficiency
  • Emissions offsetting
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Emission reduction targets linked to variable remuneration paid to employees
  • Non-hazardous waste
  • Hazardous waste
  • Spillage
Decrease in resources and soil and water quality

Infrastructure maintenance

  • Recycling and re-use
  • Spillage prevention measures
  • Waste recycling and re-use targets

Seawater withdrawal

(returning the water in similar

Deterioration in seawater volume and/or quality

Regasification plant operations

Use of cold before seawater is return to the sea

Land occupation

Impact on biodiversity

Construction and operation of infrastructures

Restoration and preservation of ecosystems to avoid deforestation

Consumption of water from the
municipal network and ground or
surface water sources

Reduction of natural resources

  • Fire-fighting systems
  • Irrigation
  • Sanitation

General plan to reduce the consumption of water in facilities

Noise pollution
  • Noise pollution around
    the facility
  • Impact on biodiversity

Infrastructure operation

Silencers, insulation

Light pollution

  • Light pollution around
    the facility
  • Impact on biodiversity

Infrastructure operation

Reduction of night-time lighting


Specifically, we conduct a natural capital assessment based on an environmental materiality analysis at the infrastructure level. In certain cases, we also carry out detailed assessments of the ecosystem services of the environment.

Enagás is a member of the Natural Capital Factory, a regional platform of the Natural Capital Coalition that brings together the Spanish community around natural capital approaches with the aim of ensuring that nature is included in decision-making.



We have set a target of no net loss of nature and biodiversity in 2040 and target of positive net impact in 2050, in both our greenfield construction projects and the existing infrastructure we operate. In addition, we have set the target of no net deforestation in 2040.

To this end, we carry out annual environmental assessments of the infrastructure in operation and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for new construction projects, in accordance with the applicable typology and regulations. EIAs are public information and are subject to consultation processes with stakeholders. You can see the latest EIAs approved at the bottom of this page.

For areas identified as priority or critical in terms of biodiversity, we evaluate impacts, dependencies and associated risks. Based on this analysis and taking into account our objective of positive impact on biodiversity, we define objectives for these areas and lines of action

We have develop corporate biodiversity guidelines based on the impact mitigation hierarchy and aimed at preserving ecosystems and their biodiversity in our activities and areas of operation.

Our actions in the field of biodiversity aim to fulfil the following targets:

Actions included in the design and planning phase of construction projects such as using, when possible, existing infrastructure corridors and narrow work tracks to avoid areas of natural vegetation or potentially protected species habitats.

Actions included in environmental monitoring programs, such as reducing noise levels and minimizing atmospheric emissions both during the works stage and when in operation, through better available techniques.

Restoring surfaces via decompacting and replacement of topsoil, replanting affected land by sowing species environmentally compatible, or species recovery programs.

We maintain a firm commitment in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and include the offsetting of part of its emissions through investment in reforestation projects, thus helping to avoid changes in the physical conditions of ecosystems in which plant and animal species are developed.


In addition, we collaborate with external stakeholders (environmental engineering and consulting firms, local communities, public authorities and town councils where Enagás is present, NGOs, and biodiversity associations and foundations, etc.) to ensure compliance with the commitments set out in our corporate guidelines.

Our facilities occupy an area of 7.4 km2 of protected natural areas (Natura 2000 Network, CIS/SAC), Ramsar wetlands and Biosphere Reserve.




Consult the documentation on the EIAs for the main projects we are developing.


We promote the development of renewable gases, through the Enagás Renovable affiliate, as new key solutions in the decarbonization process and in the development of a circular economy.

Most of the waste generated by Enagás is related to the maintenance of facilities and equipment, and is mostly liquid waste. In 2022, Enagás Transporte S.A.U. obtained "Zero Waste" certification* and Enagás S.A the "Towards Zero Waste" certification, both from AENOR, as a recognition to the company’s progress in maximising the volume of waste recycled or recovered, and in minimising the waste generated. In this sense, we aim to treat (recycle/recover) at least 90% of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. In addition, we have an action plan to increase the percentage of waste recovery in infrastructure and minimise waste generation.

* Waste management certificate 2022. The Barcelona plant is outside the scope of this certification.


Waste recycled and/or recovered

Enagás has signed the Pact for the Circular Economy promoted by the Spanish Government. Under the Pact, we commit to promoting the transition to a circular economy through different actions on which we are already working.

  • Energy Efficiency and Emissions Reduction Plan, which has allowed us to reduce our carbon footprint by 32% compared to 2014.
  • Projects for electricity generation for self- and third-party consumption from renewable energies, and cleaner and more efficient process technologies have allowed us to generate 14.1% of the electricity consumed in 2022.
  • A project for the use of waste cold from liquefied natural gas (LNG) whereby the cold produced in the regasification process at plants can be used in third-party industrial processes and air conditioning installations, with savings in energy costs and a reduction in the carbon footprint.

  • Integration of renewable gases into the Spanish and European Gas Systems through infrastructures, the promotion of a future hydrogen network in Europe and the creation of a renewable gas market.
  • Promoting the development of non-electric renewable energies, through the Enagás Renovable subsidiary, such as biomethane and hydrogen, with a portfolio of more than 45 projects.
  • Using electricity with a 100% Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin since 2021.


  • Recovery plant for water containing methanol at Serrablo underground storage facility, which, depending on the amount of methanol present and under certain operating conditions, will allow up to 98% of the methanol water to be recovered, thus avoiding the generation of this waste.
  • Extension of the useful life of the oils and lubricants used in equipment in installations through cleaning and filtering processes.
  • Incorporation of eco-design principles in construction works.
  • Use of the gas pipeline route for the installation of fiber optics. 
  • Recycling of triethylene glycol (TEG) used in the gas drying process at underground storage facilities by subjecting it to a distillation process that optimises the life cycle of this product.

  • Rainwater recovery systems in facilities for fire protection and irrigation.
  • Replacement of grass areas with native vegetation in facilities for a more responsible use of water, which will allow us to reduce water consumption by up to 80% in two of our facilities with the highest consumption.

  • Biodiversity Strategy: adopt nature-based solutions to preserve, restore and manage ecosystems and species, thus contributing to climate change mitigation, resilience and adaptation with benefits for nature itself.
  • Restoration and revegetation in 100% of infrastructure development projects with impacts on biodiversity.

  • Waste recovery and recycling treatments required of waste managers, which enabled us to recover 90.6% of our waste in 2022..

  • Signing of a partnership agreement with Oroel to research the development of new personal protective clothing from used materials in order to give them a second useful life.
  • Donation of 32 unused laptops and mobile devices for later reuse in 2022.

  • Introduction to the circular economy concept in the environmental training courses given to our professionals.
  • Awareness-raising campaigns on waste separation and management for Enagás contractors and professionals.



At Enagás, we have a number of measures in place to reduce emissions from our activity that have an impact on the atmosphere. During the combustion of natural gas in the equipment of our facilities, non-greenhouse gases such as CO, SOx, NOx, PM10 particles and Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOCs) are emitted. Therefore, these emissions are directly related to CO2 emissions and are affected by the energy efficiency measures and CO2 emission reduction targets. In 2022, there was an increase in non-greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2021, which is directly related to the increase in natural gas consumption due to significant changes in the operating context of the Spanish Gas System.

In addition, we carry out regular environmental noise measurements at the perimeter of all our infrastructure to check that the levels are within the limits set by the applicable legislation. If deviations are detected, corrective actions are taken (acoustic screens, silencers, insulation, etc.).

In terms of light pollution, we have reduced night-time lighting at its facilities by switching off the lighting at night, with the exception of regasification plants, where minimum perimeter lighting is maintained. 

Enagás does not use water in its production processes. Our main water intake is seawater for use in vaporisers and regasification plants. At the end of the process, it is returned to the sea in the same state; the decrease in temperature is minimal and does not affect the marine ecosystem. In 2022, 306.7 Hm3 of seawater was extracted and returned to its source.

Our commitments:
  1. Use water in a rational and sustainable manner by ensuring that the water used is returned to the environment in the desired conditions.
  2. Promote the sustainable use of water among our stakeholders.
  3. Minimise water extraction in water-stressed areas.
  4. Promote the reuse and/or recycling of water at our facilities.

Therefore, we have various measures aimed at reducing water consumption such as better techniques for irrigation and consumption of grey water. In 2022 we have managed to reduce the amount of water drawn from the municipal network by 10%, surpassing our own target (5%).

Enagás does not use raw materials in its production processes, but rather auxiliary substances for transmission activities such as THT, methanol, oils, triethylene glycol and liquid nitrogen.

We are committed to promoting the circular economy through the efficient use of these materials, reducing consumption, pollution, waste generation and its impact on the environment while encouraging innovation.