Stream flow rates





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Flujo caudal Inflows
Electric sector
Stock Variacion

Consult the gas system infrastructure map, which provides the following information:

  • Regasification flow/volume/energy at LNG plants.
  • Flow/volume/energy at Biomethane plants.
  • Net flow/volume/energy (import-export) at international connections.
  • Net flow/volume/energy (extraction-injection) in underground storage facilities.
  • Extraction flow/volume/energy in gas fields.

The information on the map will be shown according to the option selected:

  • Average flow: Average flow/energy conveyed in each facility for the time elapsed between the selected time and the previous time.
  • Hourly accumulated gas: Gas volume/energy accumulated at each facility from the start of the selected gas day (06:00 hours) to the selected time of the same gas day.
  • Daily accumulated gas: Gas volume/energy accumulated at each facility from the start of the selected gas day (06:00 hours) until:
    • If the selected day is the current day: the selected time of the same gas day.
    • If the selected day is not the current day: end of the selected gas day (full gas day, regardless of the selected time).

The values displayed on the map will vary depending on the ‘Measurement’ selected:

  • Flow/Volume: Values are shown in Nm3/hour or Nm3, depending on the ‘Type’ selected:
    • Average flow: Nm3/hour.
    • Hourly accumulated gas: Nm3.
    • Daily accumulated gas: Nm3.
  • Energy: Values are shown in GW or GWh, depending on the ‘Type’ selected:
    • Average flow: GW.
    • Hourly accumulated gas: GWh.
    • Daily accumulated gas: GWh.

All information is expressed under the following reference conditions:

  • GCV at 0ºC; V (0ºC, 1.01325 bar).
  • As per Annex J of the ISO 6976 standard, the factor to be applied to convert the GCV from 0ºC to 25ºC is 1/1.0026. 

In order to properly interpret the data displayed, the following information should be taken into account:

  • Value with no sign: Gas inflow (from regasification plants, production in biomethane plants, international connection imports, extraction from underground storage facilities, extraction from gas fields).
  • Value with the minus sign: Gas outflow (international connection exports, injection into underground storage facilities).
  • Value highlighted in orange: The value is in ‘Not Current’ status (the data from the field are not being updated correctly). 

All data shown are from the Enagás GTS ORION system and correspond to physical field measurements. This information is provided for information purposes only.