Enagás Board gives directorship to Oman Oil representative Said Al Masoudi

27 July 2009

Joseba Andoni Aurrekoetxea to replace Xabier de Irala on Enagás Board as BBK representative
Independent director Dionisio Martínez made chairman of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee

The Enagás Board today approved the appointment as a proprietary director of Said Al Masoudi, at the proposal of Oman Oil Holdings Spain, S.L., which now holds 5% of Enagás’capital. The decision reflects Enagás’ policy of granting a Board presence to shareholders reaching the 5% threshold and evincing an intention to stay on for the long term.

Al Masoudi has been given a directorship by the cooption procedure, thus filling the current Board vacancy.

For his part, Joseba Andoni Aurrekoetxea joins the Board as BBK’s representative, replacing Xabier de Irala.

The independent director Dionisio Martínez is the new chairman of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.

Said Al Masoudi graduated as an oil and mining engineer from Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, and holds a postgraduate qualification in Energy Studies awarded by the University of Dundee, Scotland. He is the head of business development at Oman Oil Company and is on the boards of several energy companies. He is a former Head of Energy Sector Resources and Development at the Omani Ministry of the Economy.

Joseba Andoni Aurrekoetxea Bergara holds a degree in law and a postgraduate qualification in social policy and social services, both awarded by the University of Deusto. He is the chairman of the control committee at BBK. He has held a number of senior positions at several companies and in government.


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