For the third consecutive year, the company is part of the Gender Equality Report & Ranking compiled by Equileap, which includes the 100 most outstanding companies in this field. The company is ranked second in Spain.
Enagás is one of the five Spanish companies that are among the 100 best in the world in terms of gender equality. This is according to the Gender Equality Report & Ranking 2024, produced by Equileap, a company dedicated to promoting gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the corporate world.
To compile the ranking, Equileap assessed 3,795 listed companies from 27 different market areas, representing more than 100 million employees. Enagás achieved a score of 74%, ranking 13th overall and second among Spanish companies.
This is the third time in a row that the company has appeared in the final ranking of the Top 100. The factors analysed in this list include: gender balance at all organisational levels, equal opportunities for professional development, work-life balance, equal pay, social benefits, health and safety at work.
Women on the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors
Enagás has achieved a 40% representation of women on its Executive Committee, fulfilling the objectives set by the new Parity Act, which means the company has one of the most gender-balanced leadership teams within the entire Ibex 35. Enagás also has six women on its Board of Directors, representing more than 40%.
Over the years, Enagás has made significant progress in terms of diversity and equal opportunity by promoting training, coaching, mentoring and networking initiatives among its professionals to boost female talent and leadership, increasing the participation of women in positions of responsibility, employer branding initiatives focused on women and the implementation of more than 129 measures to promote work-life balance.
Enagás has been certified as a Family-Responsible Company (EFR) since 2007 and in 2022 became the first company in the Spanish energy sector to obtain the highest rating (level A+) for excellence in work-life balance according to the Másfamilia Foundation’s management model. In addition, since 2010 it has held the Seal of Equality, awarded by the Ministry for Health, Social Services and Equality and is a member of the Ministry for Equality’s initiative Más Mujeres, Mejores Empresas (More Women, Better Companies).