IESE Energy Meeting 2022: Energy transition to a decarbonised society

Events Descarbonisation
21 February 2022


  • Enagás representatives, such as María Sicilia and Antón Martínez, participated in this conference on energy, at which they advocated the security of supply and the need for investment in renewable gases

The 19th Energy Day, organised by the IESE business school and the firm Deloitte, highlighted Enagás’ commitment to the energy transition through the participation of María Sicilia, Strategy Director, and Antón Martínez, Director of Enagás Renewable and Services. The objective of the meeting, held on 9 and 10 of February, was to discuss how to face this transition, addressing and analysing in depth issues such as the social, economic and geopolitical circumstances on which it depends and the need for a common holistic strategic framework, represented in the European ‘Fit for 55’ package, in order to achieve the climate goals. 

María Sicilia participated in the round table “Are we facing a new commodity supercycle? Impacts on the Energy Transition,” at which she spoke about the role of natural gas as a backup in the energy transition and its major role as a fuel during the COVID-19 crisis and the current situation. “Gas is not easily substitutable in sectors such as industry, it is a quick option to replace more polluting fuels,” she asserted.

She also spoke of the importance of financing investments in clean technologies and R+D to develop alternatives, pointing out that “it is necessary to invest in technologies that make it possible to replace polluting gases with renewables, mainly green hydrogen”.


For his part, in his intervention in the debate on “Hydrogen: New European regulations and their impact on business strategy,” Antón Martínez highlighted the importance of the European decarbonisation package for the gas and hydrogen market.

In conclusion, he underscored the company’s commitment to the development of renewable gases: “Enagás was among the first companies to promote renewable gases because we believed there was an energy gap beyond electrification to combat the challenges of decarbonisation."

Since 2014, Enagás has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 63%, which represents significant progress towards its goal of becoming a carbon-neutral company by 2040. In addition, it is promoting 55 specific renewable gas projects throughout Spain (34 green hydrogen projects and 21 biomethane projects), together with more than 60 partners.


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