Gas for Climate Webinar

Renewable gases Decarbonisation
10/10/2022 - 10:00. Madrid


The Gas for Climate initiative, of which Enagás is a member, is organising the ”Facilitation of H2 Imports from non-EU Countries” webinar.

The aim of this virtual meeting will be to answer the question on how to diversify hydrogen imports to improve energy security, as proposed in the RePowerEU document. In addition, the requirements for the necessary infrastructure, regulation and political support to facilitate these hydrogen imports from non-EU countries will be presented.

You can register for the webinar via this link.

About the Gas for Climate initiative

Composed of the European Transmission System Operators (TSO): Enagás, Energinet, Fluxys, Gasunie, GRTgaz, ONTRAS, Open Grid Europe, Snam, Swedegas, Teréga and two renewable gas associations: Consorzio Italiano Biogas and European Biogas Association. It was created with the commitment to support net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2050 in the belief that renewable gas used through the existing gas infrastructure will contribute to achieving this goal at the lowest possible cost and with the maximum benefits for the European economy.

Read more about Gas for Climate here.


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